
Being prepared for the unprepared is a part of my learning but, yet, I could not think of anything to say or react when I was first presented my biopsy report. Despite being a clinician myself, my heart was racing rapidly, my hands were sweating, and my knees were shaking. I was having a nervous breakdown at the shock of having a possible stage 3 cancer prostate in me, discovered during routine annual health check up. With no symptoms whatsoever, I resigned myself silently to my fate as my health status was passed around to all near and dear, by my friends and family.

That is when, my case was presented to Ms. Geeta, a person from Singapore whom I neither know nor have I met. I was told that she harnessed energies and “predicted” the possible cause for my disease as well as the outcomes. Reluctant to hear about her, accept her efforts or even hear her verdict; I went in for my surgery with the surgeon, my friend, preparing me for the worst!

And unbelievably, my surgery revealed my friend, the surgeon, to be wrong and the cancer being confirmed at stage 2 and in-situ. Ms. Geetha, this lady from Singapore was right and had apparently sensed this correctly through her Yuen Method. For the first time, as I recovered, I saw sense in her system and was stunned by what she had predicted as the cause and effect.

Having experienced this, I am inclined to believe now that there is a sixth sense in the science that communicates to the fortunate few like her; what we mortals do not know or are reluctant to accept. Nowhere is it more relevant than when the intervention is genuine with no vested commercial interest. But for this actual incident, a scientifically oriented clinician who believes only in evidence based medicine would never have accepted the significance of the Yuen method! But now, I believe in it – Truly and fervently!

July 2014

Dr. B. K. Iyer, Medical Doctor