

My expertise is in Alternative Medicine, Energy Modalities and predominantly the Yuen Method (www.yuenmethod.com) which achieves immediate results. As Dr Kam Yuen D.C. himself states, it is the Science of Immediate Results.

I began my career as a chartered accountant. I worked in corporate setting for close to a decade and a half and continue to contribute as an independent director in a couple of companies in Singapore.

I got introduced to this method while trying to resolve some issues of extreme anxiety and fears for my daughter.

The results were amazing and it did not even need any active ‘doing’ on her part! It was truly an eye opener that such an approach exists.

It has been a wondrous journey of discovery and empowerment for her as well as the whole family since then.

I was powerfully attracted to this way of handling issues and almost immediately embarked on a learning journey. It’s been 12 years now since I started – a most fulfilling experience.

My vision is to bring this to everybody especially to children so they grow up with understanding and strength. Then happiness and success is not by accident. It would be a fine world indeed where the individuals work in alignment with the whole and find fulfillment with their unique contribution to that whole.


Mindscape (and later Advanced Mindscape) by Body Talk International was a milestone turning point in that journey. The workshop is a step-by-step process of accessing the sub-conscious and becoming aware of the inner world within us. It was literally mind blowing. And I think I never stopped Mindscaping once I attended the course way back in 2011.
It really opened up possibilities and somehow, I felt I had got what I had been searching for- an inner guide. The best guide of all, customized to my very own needs.
One thing leading to another, I later did some modules of Body Talk system, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Braingym which were all fascinating.
The very same year I got introduced to Yuen Method. That seemed to accelerate things. The results were really fast forwarded – I noticed. It was very simple, no-frills, and covered Much ground in a short span of time.
I immediately enrolled for a Certified Consultant and Instructor Course and it has been a part of me ever since. I wouldn’t call it a passion. It’s like breathing. Just an everyday thing.
And any Synergies consultation naturally integrates all that I have learnt and processed not just the modalities mentioned but also my experiences and what I have made of them.”


Yuen Method® is a powerful and revolutionary energetic technique created by Dr. Kam Yuen. It is a fast and comprehensive, non-touch, non-invasive energetic technique that can be done remotely(naturally). It delivers instant results by resolving influences from the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, psychic, and spiritual levels.

It’s an efficient technology to immediately, within seconds, resolve afflictions.
If a problem has persisted many years or many generations even, the “roots “of the issue are long and deep; so, to unearth the roots completely, we process till it is completely resolved. But what layers are addressed in each processing is addressed for good. They stay Resolved. It’s not a magical wand – though it might seem that way many times-but rather a sound scientific technique based on how the human body is designed. It’s a subtle and fine tool using intuition and insightful perception to detect the actual cause and release the issue.

Yuen method works effectively and fast because it is at a quantum, energetic level. Its subtle and powerful shift. Working with the grosser body is always more time consuming and laborious. Think of it as a lever . one can lift the boulder if the application of the force is at the farther end of the lever rather than that close to the boulder.

And everything in the universe is energy . Be it a thought or an emotion or an action. They are all vibrational frequencies. We as physical whole also are energetic vibrations put together.
So as a consequence, any issue of body mind or spirit can be shifted and aligned at the energetic level. It doesn’t require lengthy conversations, talking or painful “trying”. After all we are Human Beings not Human Tryings.
Simple yet Profound.


A world renowned 35th generation Shaolin Tai Mantis Kung Fu Grand Master, Doctor of Chiropractic, aerospace engineer (he was a former Research and Development Engineer for Lockheed Missiles and Space and Hughes Aircraft Company), noted global keynote presenter and also, a #1 international best-selling author on Amazon.

The octogenarian Dr Yuen was also the consultant for the original mega hit television series Kung Fu and is also noted for his expertise in Tai Chi, Qi Gong a, Feng Shui and homeopathy. He has demonstrated immediate results for any audience through his Yuen Method. He discovered at an early age that he could intuitively sense energetic weaknesses in others and improve those weaknesses at a non-conscious, quantum level. By combining advanced healing through the human energy field with 5000 years of Chinese wisdom and 21st century knowledge, he developed an amazingly effective technique called the Yuen Method.

The Yuen Method has helped hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life heal themselves of serious and even near fatal ailments. Taking the concept of healing beyond infinite potential Dr Yuen has made instant healing and instant fitness an attainable reality for countless patients, lecture attendees, celebrities, students, and has demonstrated the simplicity of the techniques on live radio and television audiences nationwide in the United States of America and other countries all over the world.