
A Complete Life

A human being has various life aspects and to be a STAR, all these aspects have to be at its best and in balance.Synergies predominantly uses Yuen Method to bring about this improvement in the life aspects as well as keep all the life aspects balanced and even with each other. No one aspect is more important than the other.

The reasons and causes for the imbalances in each or as a whole can lie in both physical and / or non-physical planes. For example, a physical pain could have roots in mental/emotional/psychological or even in external factors like family members, for instance, or the workplace.

Some influences could be..




External Dynamics

Through a Synergies session, your profile gets re-programmed to feel and be in a way supportive to you which is our natural state of harmony.

Personal Consultation

Decide to have a Consultation? Here is the flow of what to expect

  • There are no prerequisites except to be Open to resolving your issue!
  • The practitioner listens to the body’s natural “wisdom” or intelligence which knows how to right itself. The practitioner serves as a jump start cable using intention (thought serving as an instruction- watch the video Simple yet Profound ) and morphic resonance to initiate the change. The practitioner spots the order in which the body wishes to resolve the various issues much like untangling the yarn. We can’t pull the yarn anyhow to untangle it and so also, we use the right order to resolve the issues.
  • In the interactive session, sense for the change, the shifts & improvements that happen within
  • Be aware of life choices you make subsequently on the patterns that came up in the session, if any. We may not be able to eradicate a life- long habit in one go but just being aware and intending to choose differently goes a long way.

What's Next

  • If the issue is resolved, which happens many times, Great! You were ready to make the shift at all levels Body Mind and Spirit
  • If the problem has further layers it may not be completely resolved but there will be a Change. Say for eg Intensity of pain reduced, quality of pain is changed, frequency of the bouts of pain has shifted or maybe pain is gone but what has creeped in is the fear that the pain should not come back! Note the changes and work on those changed issues.
  • Sometimes we were addressing one thing but something else has also been gained- maybe a good night’s sleep for instance! Because it’s addressing the whole, there could be changes in areas we were not initially focused on.
Optimize your wellbeing and experience a Synergies session with one of Singapore’s most experienced Yuen Method practitioners.

Book a Single Session

S$ 150

Package of 3

S$ 420

Optimize your wellbeing and experience a Synergies session with one of Singapore’s most experienced Yuen Method practitioners.

Book a Single Session

S$ 150

Package of 3

S$ 420

Monthly Membership for YM trainees

Especially designed for students of Yuen Method to maintain strength and alignment  so as to resolve issues effectively with speed.

What to expect from a monthly membership

  • Submit your request for strengthening every month- it could be a question regarding the method itself or an issue which is challenging to resolve
  • The requests are all addressed individually as well as at a group level
  • One for All and All for One. Apart from the specific request Group strengthening will be done for issues intuitively recognized. The synergies of being in a group is fully optimized !
  • Recording of the live event is made available so you can listen, re-listen anytime.
  • Submit your feedback  even if you have seen the improvement and  I’ll further reinforce the change.  


$ 35 per month

Personal Mentorship Program

At some points in life, we go through especial challenges or a series of transformational changes during which time we feel a need for support and guidance….And that’s when we lose touch with our inner selves because of the emotional upheaval and mental over thinking.

If you are in one of such Life’s turns, Mentorship program offers you just that with personal one-on-one calls  to support you through the change and stay connected to your higher self so you get the best customized guidance from your own inner self. 

We’ll tailor the mentorship to suit your personal needs!

Wish to Try?

Book a Free 20 minute Consultation!