About Synergies

In the current world, in spite of advancement of technology and science as never before in human history, we are yet to decode the secret of a happy existence.

Most of us are stressed and burdened with a multitude of problems….just as we fix one thing something else crops up.. Worries and anxiety are the baseline from which we seem to function. It could be physical issues of pain or diseases; or psychological issues or issues with relationships, job, finances etc etc.

In Synergies, we use intuition and insight to perceive the issue(s) in the right order and then the body regains its natural ability to resolve itself. Balance is restored around that issue. Then the pattern changes and true transformation occurs.

Each human being has developed a unique profile or blueprint over time, depending on genetics, the family or community’s culture, environmental influences, through one’s own responses to life etc. The pattern gets more and more rigid unless addressed.

This leads to a loss of balance in the non-physical and physical energies.

Synergies facilitates the shift back to Neutrality and Balance. When we are able to align our energies so we are centered and balanced; in tune with the Universe, our many individual strengths come together to make something more than the parts. Life becomes increasingly effortless. That’s what Synergies is all about.

Going through the process of alignment brings about an understanding of the issues – personal Aha moment(s). One’s awareness and understanding in the day to day life brings about an improved quality of  life.